The Real Book of Music Marketing 101

Posted: April 1, 2013 in Piano

English: Photograph of first medical school gr...

English: Photograph of first medical school graduating class of Johns Hopkins University, 1897. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Graduating in May with a degree in music?

Congratulations! Here’s my Marketing 101 guide.

2013 – Hit the bars and start gigging. Undercut your competition. Play for $50 a night. You can afford it.

2023 – You’ve had a band for five years now. The first CD sold 359 copies before someone in China ripped it and offered it for free on the internet. You’re making $100 a night now and you have a church gig. You also have a day job and two kids.

2033 – You’re making money at your day job, running the sound at church. The kids want to be in the band at school. You compared the college scholarship offerings between musicians and athletes. Your wife makes more money that you.

2043 – A buddy calls and wants to start the old band again. You agree! Your wife files for divorce.

2053 – You join a Big Band. The leader promises you will always make $50 a gig, if he can get a booking for 18 guys.

2063 – One hit from your original CD goes gold. You receive a royalties check for $250.00. You trade it for a pack of smokes from the other buy that shares your cardboard box under the 7th Street Bridge. The next morning a kid, listening to your hit tune, steals your cigarettes.

Music Majors have the highest rate of acceptance into Med School.

I suggest you consider that option now that you have graduated.

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