Posts Tagged ‘Pianoservice’

Coppell Piano Shop reserves the right to do business with whomever we please. For 20 years we have not discriminated in our selection of customers. In 2023, that has to change. Among US citizens, there are groups who are intent on doing harm to the natural rights of certain citizens they do not like or respect. We know who those groups are and hereby openly discriminate against them in fair retaliation for their hateful ways.

If your church does not fly the Pride Flag, then we will not accept your business.
If you remain a supporter of Donald Trump, do not contact us.
If you encouraged leaders to support School Vouchers, or
If you are a Republican who aligns with Nationalists, radicals, insurrectionists, or groups that are openly opposing the rights of Americans, do not contact us. We will refuse your business.

Although this policy seems bold, most of the groups listed above are not musicians. They are not parents who are teaching the importance of musical education. They are not our regular customer base.

They do not support the LGBTQ.
They do not support public education.
They do not support teachers.
They fear people who are different than them.
They are intolerant and unaccepting.
They are hypocritical, professing moral codes they do not themselves obey.

Our goods and service are no longer offered to them.

Kent Moore
Coppell Piano Shop