Coppell Piano Shop reserves the right to do business with whomever we please. For 20 years we have not discriminated in our selection of customers. In 2023, that has to change. Among US citizens, there are groups who are intent on doing harm to the natural rights of certain citizens they do not like or respect. We know who those groups are and hereby openly discriminate against them in fair retaliation for their hateful ways.

If your church does not fly the Pride Flag, then we will not accept your business.
If you remain a supporter of Donald Trump, do not contact us.
If you encouraged leaders to support School Vouchers, or
If you are a Republican who aligns with Nationalists, radicals, insurrectionists, or groups that are openly opposing the rights of Americans, do not contact us. We will refuse your business.

Although this policy seems bold, most of the groups listed above are not musicians. They are not parents who are teaching the importance of musical education. They are not our regular customer base.

They do not support the LGBTQ.
They do not support public education.
They do not support teachers.
They fear people who are different than them.
They are intolerant and unaccepting.
They are hypocritical, professing moral codes they do not themselves obey.

Our goods and service are no longer offered to them.

Kent Moore
Coppell Piano Shop

2023 – A Year to Skip

Posted: January 10, 2023 in Piano

2023 started with this watercolor painting.

© Kent Moore 2023 All Rights Reserved.

The Blog Editor Has Changed

I am struggling with the new editor. (Let me get rid of the bold…) Nope. That didn’t work. There. Good.

It has been a while since I wrote a blog about my business. Let me catch you up.

I wrote just over 100 blogs about repairing and servicing pianos. It didn’t take too long but once that was done, there wasn’t much more to write about. This blog has received well over 100,000 visits, and it has served me well for the 20 years I have been in business.

Now I am retiring from my business. I have to liquidate some assets but as soon as that is done, the business will shut down. I am 69 years old at this writing. I have been in the music business for 49 years. On my next birthday in September, I will begin my fiftieth year. That is probably going to be my absolute last year. I will erase my business presence from the web as well as I can, and spend time painting or doing some other hobby.

When you spend 50 years talking about your business for a living, you shouldn’t have much more to say after you retire. Why write about what you were talking about for the past fifty years? If people weren’t listening over the span of fifty years, why would they want to hear your recollections of what you already told them? And likewise, if they did listen, why repeat yourself?

Nothing is the Zen of retirement; it might also be the zen of a good blog.

Anything I might write about pianos in the future would only be for my own enjoyment. And that may prove to be reason enough. But for now, I am without a topic. I will write about nothing. I just wanted to see where this blog goes and who might be out there. (It has been a long time since I wrote a blog.) I once followed several of my blog followers on other social media accounts. I have since deleted those accounts and have lost touch with people I have missed hearing from. I wish to know where they are. If you are one of those, leave a comment or click the painting image above and follow me on Instagram. You can send me a DM there.

2023 is a year I might prefer to skip. The nation isn’t doing too well these days and I think Congress is going to be difficult to watch as long as the Libertarians are in control. The Right Wing Anarchy Caucus (aka Freedom Caucus) is a bit of a joke, but fundamentally, that ideology won’t work. In a short time, people will see the folly in conferring power to people who are not qualified to serve. 2023 will be filled with news of their antics. I would like to skip that part.

Back to pianos. With inflation what it is, the price of a good used piano has increased considerably. I have a Yamaha P202 which has held steady around $2,200 for the past ten years, but lately, I have seen it listed closer to $4,400 in a few places online. That is remarkable, but it does make sense. It is a good piano. Retail prices are unbelievably high. That makes used pianos worth more.

That trend may not last as the 1970-1985 pianos begin to peak at 75 years old in 2040. 1985+ pianos may not be worth much in the 2040s, when the 1970s piano head to the dump. The 1985+ pianos were the first to be imported from China. No one knows how they will age. But for now, if you want a good used piano, the price is going to more accurately reflect its high value. That makes it difficult to get out of the industry. lol. There is money to be made!

But that is the attitude of a person who is working, and I am trying to stop thinking like that. Retirement isn’t a time to think like a capitalist. Since I have thought that way for 50 years, it will be tough to change my thinking. But that is the challenge of retirement. It takes a different mindset to truly appreciate and understand what retirement is really about.

Retirement is about nothing. It means your actions are not directed by the ambitions of other people. You go where you want, do what you want, or you can do nothing. It doesn’t matter. You can sit all day. Take a class. Read a book. Take a walk. Visit a different country. Go to beautiful vacation spots in the off-season. You can do anything you can afford to do.

You can sleep in every day, get drunk in the morning, or start projects with no interest in finishing them. You do not have to make your bed. Retirement is cool.

Unfortunately, while you are retired, something happens. You get older. The longer you can stay healthy, the longer you can enjoy your retirement. But even if you are a little unhealthy, there are still a lot of things you can do.

It took me about three years to learn how to be “in my sixties”. I really didn’t know how I was supposed to act. I am having the same trouble being retired. There is no one around to tell you what you should be doing. You have to figure that out on your own. I have been trying for about two years now. I figure one or two more years — then I will have it figured out.

As I edge closer to retirement, I will write this blog from time to time. I won’t write about pianos. I will probably write about nothing. Nothing is a good topic. Nothing is the Zen of retirement; it might also be the zen of a good blog. We shall soon see. Please follow me if the topic interests you.

A Christmas Story

Posted: May 14, 2020 in Piano
My friend R. G. Harrell, a generation my senior, was a great writer. He saw the human side of being human. He could touch it, dress it up, and serve it in candlelight. He was also a local watchdog who wanted to write about politics. I knew of his greater strength, so as a newspaper publisher/editor, I encouraged him to write about ordinary people. He would take the ordinary and make it magnificent, which is what we all do in our own life; we are ordinary people, all the same, and we make choices that offer extraordinary experiences. R. G. was able to capture that in print.
One day he wrote about finding a miniature signature book in an old abandoned house he was hired to clean up. Most everything in the house was taken – all that remained was the dirt in the corners and on the sills. So when R.G. looked down at a pile of dust, dirt, and debris, he reached down and sifted his hand at the corner of a small, tiny book. It was an autograph book; the kind you would have in the 1940s. How odd. Why was this book the only thing left in the house?
R.G. put the book into his pocket and continued to take the pan to the dust pile and clean the house. A few days passed and R.G. had reason to come to my home to drop off his final draft of his column. With little discussion, he handed me the autograph book and told me he did not know what to do with it. “See if you can find out who it belongs to.” And he left.
I looked through the book. It was addressed to a Private in the Army and was signed by every member of the family: aunts, grandpas, nephews, and even a little girl who wrote about wanting a pony for Christmas. There was a date on the book. It was dated Christmas Eve, 1944. All of the comments inside spoke of pride, honor, bravery, and love. All of the relatives were wishing a young boy a Merry Christmas so far away from home as he served in the military during World War II.
As I held the book in my hand, I wondered if he ever made it back. I wondered if he had died in the war. Why was the book in an empty house? Why hadn’t someone clung to it with deep sentimental attachment? Who would throw away such a treasure! I did not know and did not have time to find out. I placed the autograph book in a cabinet above my desk.
Time passed. Old papers in a busy cabinet tend to drift slowly to the bottom of the stack. It was many years later that I had cause to grab that particular stack of papers during a long overdue cleaning spree of my office and its environs. As papers were selected, sorted, and summarily scraped, my fingers recalled the texture of the cardboard cover of the autograph book before my eyes recognized what it was. I sat down, took a minute and read through all the comments. Again, I wondered what had happened to the man so loved by the relatives in this book. I did not know but I had some time to find out. The last name was Payne. I knew what to do.
I had done considerable work on my family genealogy so I knew how to find and use online services to inquire about people. I fashioned an inquiry and included the name of every person in the book – close to 25. I asked, “If your family tree has people with these names, please contact me.”
No one did. A year went by. Another year. I lost track of time. I had long since returned the autograph book to the cabinet, and in time, it drifted to the bottom of another stack of papers. And then one day, out of the blue, for no particular reason, I saw in my inbox the subject of a new email: Payne.
It could have been anything. It could have been an empty trail, a thank you from someone else who was looking for the same family, a letter from Nigeria telling me they had money for someone named Payne, anything – it could have been anything at all. But it wasn’t. It was the real deal. Someone knew someone who might know. I wrote back. Within a few days I had a name and a number.
I called Mr. Payne. Yes, he was still alive. We spoke on the phone. He explained why the book was lost. He had divorced his wife after the kids grew up and started their own lives. He had taken everything, so he thought, but she had passed away and the kids had come to get her stuff… and somehow the autograph book was presumed gone, missing for years and years and years, untouched, unnoticed, — a message unbottled. And then R.G. found the book, wrote the article, passed it to me, and I placed in on a shelf for another day’s attention.
I mailed the autograph book to Mr. Payne. He lived in a small town south of me. He was 82 years old then. He called to say thank you and we talked again for a short while. I did not get the impression the book meant that much to him. He was cordial, but there was no real sentiment in his voice. I thought that was odd but put it out of my mind because the conversation ended and the matter was soon forgotten.
More years passed. More projects pressed me and most were completed. I forgot all about Mr. Payne, the good deed was done, no reason to dwell. When the phone rang that evening, I noticed the area code with the last name Payne. I wondered.
It was Mr. Payne. He had called again to thank me. This time his voice was wavering. He sounded weaker, on the edge, as if he was near tears. The sentiment was upon him that night. He was touched, deeply moved by the memory of his youth. Perhaps his life had reached its twilight of evening and the nostalgia had caught him off guard, the way a forceful ocean wave can catch you off balance with just a bit of force applied to the ankles.
I remember R.G. He sifted through the dust and found a memory, but it was because he cherished what is human in each of us, he passed the chore of finding Mr. Payne to me. And through me, Mr.Payne finally understood the love that was extended to him on Christmas Eve in 1944.

The New Normal for Piano Tuning

Posted: May 3, 2020 in Piano

Image of children's hands on piano keys

Many fingers make for dirty keys. Clean the piano keys often.

It is May 3, 2020.  Many Americans have just finished almost two months of living “in-shelter” and are starting to venture out of the house to return to a work facility or expand their activities to include shopping at businesses that were closed due to their “non-essential” status.

Although my general recommendation is to postpone your tuning, piano technicians are among those who are returning to work, and some piano players are anxious to get their pianos serviced. As everyone should be aware, the end of our #Stayhome strategy does not mean we can return to a lifestyle that we once considered normal. People are still getting sick. The number of people who are dying will continue to increase in many areas of the country. We need to create a new definition for what is normal. It is to that end that I sit here in my office in a suburb of Dallas, Texas, writing this blog to submit to your attention. This is the new normal.

As I organize my thoughts, I want to at least share some concerns piano technicians have about returning to work and the requests they will be making in order to make sure everyone is safe while the service is being completed. There are also some things many of those techs would like you to do to prepare for the tuning. I will share a list of items that represent an amalgam of what I have heard.

The source for the several suggestions which follow comes from conversations I have read on private and public internet pages among piano technicians all over the world.  I have also benefited from many private conversations, and to a great degree, I am relying on my many years of experience, not as a tuner/technician, but rather as a philosopher, psychologist, community activist, and life coach. That sounds like a long list of unusual experiences, but at my age, it isn’t often easy to express the sources of my life knowledge.  But none of that really matters.  Trust that I am not an idiot, neither am I a god. I am somewhere in between, so please judge me on my words, not my credentials. Let us begin.

Your Piano is Filthy

You may be surprised to learn that most pianos are filthy with dirt, grime, dust, and foreign objects. Whether the piano is played by everyone in the home, or not played by anyone, it remains a magnet for things that will make you sick. If it is a concert grand sitting in a closet waiting to be rolled out on stage, or a family heirloom serving as a shrine for family photos, pianos are dirty.

Clean your piano before the technician arrives. Am I going to teach you how to clean your piano? No. You should already know how to do that. I just want to put the idea in your head. You should have ALWAYS been cleaning your piano at least once a week, and especially before the tuner arrived.  If you do not know how to clean a piano, your technician will teach you.

Your Technician is Probably Sick

The new normal must emphasize that the reason we stayed home for two months was to decrease the impact felt on hospitals and to slow the rate of infection of the COVID19 virus within the population. As we try to return to work and play outside the home, remember that EVERYONE you meet is a potential threat to your safety. If you must invite a piano technician into your home to have your piano tuned, then LEAVE the house for the duration.

That is correct. Leave the house. Obvious exceptions notwithstanding, take the dogs, the kids, your entire family, and go sit on the porch or balcony. Schedule an appointment, clean your piano, and make like a tree and LEAVE. Piano technicians are not thieves.

If you MUST stay in the house, then do the following.

Only hire a piano technician you know. This is not the time to be trying new tuners.

Prior to the arrival of the technician, clean your piano.

Remove photos from the piano, ALL sheet music, pencils, notebooks, pieces of paper, big vases, chandeliers, Nativity scenes, chessboards, books, clothing, throw rugs, televisions and computer monitors, everything must be removed.

Remove objects on the floor around the piano.

If you have not pre-paid for the tuning, put the payment in an envelope and place it on the piano. Be sure to include the tax. Include a tip. This is no time to be cheap.

When the technician arrives, you should be wearing a mask. Some people will argue that a mask cannot prevent you from becoming infected or infecting others. Ignore them. The real reason you wear the mask if to DEMONSTRATE to the technician that you have been DILIGENT, THOUGHTFUL, CONSIDERATE, and RESPONSIBLE in preparation for the piano service event. This is not a drill. COVID19 can kill you.

DO NOT TALK TO THE TECHNICIAN. Open the door. Say hello. Direct the technician to the piano and leave the room.


Yes, I know all too well that you are friendly and want to talk, talk, talk, and talk, to an adult. This is not the time. Leave the room. Preferably, leave the house. Take everyone with you.

That is about all you need to do to prepare for the tuning. Clean the piano. Write the check. Leave the room. Stay away.

After the technician leaves and you return home, clean and disinfect the piano again.

As you read this, you might think those requirements are so obvious they need not be mentioned, especially in a blog.

You would be wrong.

What the Piano Technician Will Do

Every piano technician has created new protocols (rules) for servicing your piano safely. Piano technicians today are especially sensitive to the fact that part of the risk of entering your house is that there is a risk that they may infect you or your family.

Those new rules should be written down and published on your technician’s webpage. You should ask the tuner to read them. IF THE TUNER HAS NOT WRITTEN THE RULES DOWN, DO NOT HIRE THAT TECHNICIAN.

If the technician cannot effectively communicate, or if he or she is too lazy to write the procedures down for your review and inspection, then do not hire that technician.

I will provide the link to one page that covers the procedure very well. This technician is located in New Zealand. The link will open in a new tab on your browser.

Compare that information with the procedures your piano technician has prepared.


If you skimmed this blog, go back and read it again slowly.

If you invite a technician to your home, school, or business to tune your piano, there is a risk you could become infected with COVID19. I want that to be clearly understood.

You can reduce your risk of exposure by leaving the area as per your technician’s directions.

In closing, if you are a professional piano player, learn how to tune your instrument. There are no excuses for not learning. You only need to practice, practice, practice.

Good Luck. Be Safe. Stay Home.

The Dutch Luthier

For the reenactment project I make reconstructions of the tools depicted by Jost Amman in his portrait of “Der Lautenmacher” (1568).

imageAt the workbench we see a variety of tools:

  • A mallet
  • Chisels (and gouges?)
  • Two hand planes

And in the box under the bench an oval honing stone and a glue pot with a brush.

But rather than only make some props (a nice but quite useless exercise) I want to have some working planes and use them in the shop.

Melencolia IThe plane on the foreground looks like a smoother, the one in the background like a jointer. Two things stand out: the jointer bulges out in the middle, and the smoother has a sort of horn at the front. A similar model can be found in the “Melencolia I” engraving by Albrecht Dürer (1514).

Melencolia plane

The handle looks like it resembles a bone. Perhaps a remnant of earlier…

View original post 496 more words

According to Whom…

Posted: August 22, 2015 in Piano

Between 1850 and 1937 the Paris Expo bestowed praise and awards on many musical instrument manufactures, including various pianos and piano designs, at their annual show. This span of time was also an interesting period in the history and development of the United States of America. We were trying to establish our country’s legitimacy before a world audience. We were indeed a great experiment, but were we yet a great nation – and according to whom?


Paris Expo in 1900. “Vue panoramique de l’exposition universelle de 1900” by Lucien Baylac – This image is available from the United States Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID ppmsca.15645< Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

In 1850, the U.S. was regarded by influential Europeans and their representative institutions  as a rather barbaric country. As our country became a world leader over the next 100 years, there was early on a pressing need for validation of our progress and achievements from established authorities in each of many fields. Those authorities were all in Europe. The experts in every field, fine arts, architecture, music, manufacturing, technology, city design, all lived in Europe.   Piano companies, seeking an objective and qualified credential of excellent product quality, headed to the Paris Expo (and other expos) to compete for recognition and standing.


A Bluthner piano sporting an abundance of decal replicas of hard earned awards of excellence at competitions.

American manufacturers made blustery claims of excellence in their sales literature, but the only way to settle the matter as to who had the best piano was to appeal to non-partisan experts in order to settle disputed claims of dominance. Winning an award was high praise for a piano manufacturer. Soon, those awards were displayed on decals on the pianos that were offered for sale. You can still see many pianos today that have decals sporting old awards of superior quality, but it is not always the case that customers gain a true appreciation for what those awards meant to our earliest manufacturers, designers, inventors and all other innovative thinkers in a multitude of fields, most notably among them was the field architecture.

Kimball pianos, as part of their incredible marketing campaign, displayed a large collection of early medals and awards on later day pianos.

Kimball pianos, as part of their incredible marketing campaign, displayed a large collection of early medals and awards on later day pianos. The names of the awards were of less conspicuous contests, such and Mississippi and Pacific Expo, hardly on par with the Paris Expo.

The U.S. in 1850 had not yet made its mark in architecture. We had not established ourselves as a unique and independent civilized culture. In fact, the question of our status as a civilized country was scrutinized even more after the several states seceded from the Union to establish the Confederate States of America. While Americans fought brother against brother in a very brutal and uncivilized war, high-minded Europeans must have scoffed frequently at our prospects as an emerging country. That doubt withered away eventually because of our achievements during the early years of the Industrial Era, but the most significant proof of our national claim of legitimacy would come in 1933 and 1936 with the respective crowning achievements realized when we built the Chrysler Building and the New York Empire State Building. New York, New York itself had emerged as a somewhat modern city. In those moments, it became clear to everyone that the United States of America was here to stay, and had established itself as a new authority in a broad array of matters. We no longer needed to appeal to the authorities in Europe for validation.We had earned our place at the table and proved to the world that we were capable of raising the standard of excellence in every field of expertise.


Mason & Hamlin Organ advertisement emphasized they had won the “Highest Awards at all Great World’s Exhibitions”.

Today we are so certain of our standing as a world leader that we have no recollection of ever having to appeal to someone else in order to validate the legitimacy of our claims. It is perhaps wise that we remember that at one time we were in fact dependent on the whim and temper of European experts. The validations of our accomplishments were dependent on the authority of others.

The size of the Empire State Building compared to the Eiffel Tower and other buildings.

The size of the Empire State Building compared to the Eiffel Tower and other buildings.

It is August 2015. My last blog appeared on the 30th of December last year. I’ve been busy.

I have written over 100 articles about pianos since I started this blog. The blog has received over 40,000 visits. You would think that the experiences I shared in 100 blogs would have altered consumer behavior. Maybe a few parents would have reconsidered before buying a junk piano off Craigslist. Maybe local piano dealers would stop making outrageous claims about their products.

Nothing has changed. I have helped many people make decisions about pianos – in person, but to my knowledge, the blog has not helped me save the world, one piano at a time. By the way, that’s my company slogan. I changed world to planet. I still can’t decide which I like better. Planet is rather impersonal, but it has more geek appeal.

Grand piano hammers ready for installation

A new set of grand piano hammers are being prepared for installation. New hammers makes a dramatic improvement to the volume and tone of an old piano.

We each need to realize that our work, opinions, ideas and actions do in fact contribute to the sum of all work, opinions, ideas and actions. It just isn’t very obvious or even noticeable at times, but we are each shaping this world we live in – each saving the planet as we are able. I have my hands full saving pianos, otherwise I would offer to help you. If you do your part and I do mine, the planet will be saved eventually. When saving planets (and pianos) it is best to embrace a long term attitude. (Pack a lunch.)

What I Have Been Doing

Like I said, I’ve been busy. I moved. That took a long time. We moved into the new house in November of 2014 (which may explain why I have not been writing blogs!). Six months passed before the last box was emptied or stored in the attic. I had to build a new shop (after I moved all of my pianos from the old place.) My shop is now functional, but it is not yet cozy. It is also no longer located in Coppell, although it is closer to Coppell’s Towncenter than it was before.

I lived in Coppell for 25 years. I knew a lot of people, worked as a volunteer for many  groups, and watched as young leaders destroyed the town one building, one road at a time. It was painful at times. Coppell was such a nice little town when we first moved there, but today it has too much traffic, is over-crowded, and the population turns over so often that the community experience is very limited. You move in, raise your kids, and then leave. After age 50, the demographics drop off. The median age stays around 34. (Time Magazine recently ranked Coppell #8 in Best Places to Live.)

Pianos in my shop are undergoing repair.

The new and improved Coppell Piano Shop.

And that means that the amenities, services and features of the community are guided by the short-term interests of thirty-four year old parents. I do not know if you have been a parent, but 34 y.o. parents do not know a lot about parenting, and even less about running a community.  Coppell is a nice place to raise your kids, but I would not want to live there. That should be the town slogan.  For me, it was time to move – so I headed north to Lewisville.

For the next year I will attending the Lewisville’s Citizen University. I hope to learn about my new community and join other volunteers in community service in some capacity. I try to participate in one major community event each year. It may be a committee, a task force or a

This is Lewisville City Hall, located in the older part of town.

This is Lewisville City Hall, located in the older part of town.

project volunteer. I never know what it will be. Lewisville is a much larger community than Coppell. It is far more diverse in its offerings. There is an established old part of town, a natural lake area, a lake, and a mall area to the south. It is a little overwhelming to understand how people in this community, who are spread out over a very large distance, can share a common view of the city. A large community has many personalities – I seek to learn what those identities are – but it must also have a general and broadly stated common personality. I do not yet know what that is.

Business is Good

The business has not suffered for the move. I am centrally located within the territory of customers I wish to serve. Flower Mound, Lantana and Coppell are just minutes away.  I continue to maintain the pianos at Coppell High School and the Community Chorale, but unlike most technicians, I do not pursue business from institutions often. I much prefer working with individual pianists, and parents of piano students. I have a ton of work to do in the shop, which – in terms of pianos that weigh 500 lbs each, could mean as few as 4 projects – I will busy for some time.


Eating lunch at the kitchen table, taking a break from saving the planet, one piano at a time.

I need people to buy junk pianos off Craiglist so there will be a need for someone like me to make them playable. I truly wish they would not buy those pianos, but since there is little hope of that happening, it looks like I am going to be busy for a while longer.

As I continue to add articles in this Part 2 episode of my piano blog, I invite you to follow along.

2014 in review

Posted: December 30, 2014 in Coppell Piano Shop, Piano

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 14,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


Vacation time at Edisto Beach, South Carolina with family.

Yes, 2014 has been a great year – one of the best for me. I haven’t worked this hard for many years, and I can only blame myself since I adopted a positive “can do” attitude through 2013.

Here is the recap.

May 2013 – Our daughter graduated from college. If you are under 50 years old, the significance of this achievement may not move you too much. The impact on the monthly household budget was enough to jump for joy!

July 2013 – The daughter gets a job in her field of choice, and remains employed a year later. This too is a major parental accomplishment, although my daughter deserves all of the credit for getting and keeping a good job.

October 2013 – Buddy died. She was sixteen years old and a faithful and loving pet.


Where once was an empty wall, emerges a new shop.

November 2013 – We moved into a new home. This took several months to accomplish, and 13 weeks of unloading boxes to complete. I worked 12 hour days, just like I was a young pup. It was crazy a time.

December 2013 – Coppell Piano Shop had its biggest month ever! I serviced 2-3 pianos every day of the week. I have no idea how I got through that month. We had a lovely Christmas. On December 31, my father passed away at 82.

January 2014 – I started with an empty garage and built a new piano shop. In my older shop, a room 20 X 8 at the head of a carport, every item had its place. I could work on 3 piano actions at a time, and the tools were neatly assigned on boards, in drawers or on shelves.

I did not fully appreciate how nice that shop was until I started building a new shop. Yes. I am now able to build the shop I really want, but it will take years before I maximize the efficiency of the extra space I now have. Most of the room however is dedicated to pianos: I acquired several pianos last year, and they are each awaiting repairs.


Enjoying a rainstorm on my new back porch.

February – May 2014 – When Spring hit, it was time to do the annual gardening – new chores associated with buying a new home. When I wasn’t working on pianos, I was building beds, digging, planting and watering.

June 2014 – I took a family vacation – the first in twenty years. We spent a small fortune traveling to the east coast and back again. We visited relatives in eleven states after spending a week in a beach house in South Carolina.

July 2014 – After the vacation ended, I recall having a “moment” on the porch where I felt that we were finally moved into the new home. It is now the 22nd of July and I have returned to the daily routines of being a piano shop owner. We are weeks away from the “Back to School” season, and that means I have a ton of work to do in preparation.


Lunch and a good book.

I am up at 6:00 each day and work for a few hours in the shop. When the mid-morning arrives, with its heat, I move indoors to attend to administrative chores.  Appointments start at 10:00 and go through the day. After dinner I return to the shop if the heat is not unbearable. Lately it has been rather cool, so I am pleased to have the extra time.

I have a hundred things yet to do. That is my fault. If I wasn’t so positive and driven, my life would be much easier. I need a serious attitude adjustment!!!

A Conclusion Which Favors Yamaha

Posted: April 16, 2014 in Piano

A Conclusion Which Favors Yamaha

In an effort to reconcile the opposing understandings between Yamaha and importers of used Yamahas, I sought out a source that would better explain Yamaha’s side of the story. As it turned out, I was able to contact someone who has some pretty compelling information to add.

Seasoned for Destination

Where importers hold the view that humidity is similar in all parts of the world, and that it would be impossible to know whether a piano would be purchased by someone in a humid area vs a dry locale, my source reconciled this by revealing that Yamaha conducted studies that tracked the temperatures in homes – not localities. Pianos are, after all, placed in homes – not outside where they are exposed to the extreme weather of any particular area.

Yamaha’s research led them to discover that American homes, most often heated using central heating, are generally hotter than homes in Japan and Europe. This discovery was made in the 60s after Yamaha”s first pianos experienced problems in the U.S. The corrections were made by 1964, and have remained incorporated in the manufacturing process since then – no doubt they have refined and improved their approach many times too. This explanation places the emphasis on the variations in humidity levels in the homes.

Is this explanation plausible? Yamaha would of course have the opportunity to gather data on the performance of pianos placed in institutions. It would be more difficult to monitor the health of a used piano that may have been sold to several owners.  Keeping data on the average temperatures in homes in every major country in the world, and then altering the drying time for select woods used in piano production – seems to be absolutely ridiculous. Let me present a different explanation.

Post-War Developments

For Japan, 1960 was a time of political uncertainty and rapid industrial growth. Fifteen years earlier, in 1945, life in Japan was quite different. Japan had been at war with China since 1937. By 1939 that fighting escalated. The events of the war transpired until March of 1945 when the U.S. struck Tokyo with incendiary bombs which killed 100,000. During the next five months, American bombers firebombed sixty-six Japanese cities killing an additional 350,000 to 500,000 citizens. 

Even after that devastating blow, the leaders of the Empire ignored the demands made by the Allies in July at Potsdam to surrender unconditionally. In August U.S. Forces dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. “The acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. During the following months, large numbers died from the effect of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness. In both cities, most of the dead were civilians, although Hiroshima had a sizable garrison.”

In order to revisit the devastation left from the atomic attack, review these before and after photos.

“After Japan’s unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers in August 1945, the United States military occupied the defeated nation and began a series of far-reaching reforms designed to build a peaceful and democratic Japan by reducing the power of the military and breaking up the largest Japanese business conglomerates.”

Over the next six years, Japan transitioned quickly into an important ally in order to create a buffer between the rise of Communism in China and North Korea. “U.S. efforts to save South Korea from Communist invasion accelerated Department of State attempts to restore Japan to a respected international position, and make that country a prosperous ally of the United States. ”

It was this attitude of the U.S. towards Japan which eventually opened doors for export trade. Japan endured several years of difficult trade relations, but “beginning in the 1960s, the government adopted a policy of gradual trade liberalization, easing import quotas, reducing tariff rates, freeing transactions in foreign exchange, and admitting foreign capital into Japanese industries, which continued through the 1980s.

“After World War II, company president Genichi Kawakami repurposed the remains of the company’s war-time production machinery and the company’s expertise in metallurgical technologies to the manufacture of motorcycles.” The Yamaha Motor Corporation was formed on July 1, 1955.  Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd. (Yamaha Music) had formed in 1887 and was a different company, one that had grown to become the world’s largest manufacturer of musical instruments. 

The sixties were therefore a time of rapid growth for the new democratic Japan. The U.S. economy was booming too. In 1962, Yamaha exported 12,000 motorcycles. By 1980 that number grew to 1,383,000.

Piano exports followed a similar trend. As you might expect, the first pianos, motorcycles and other products, were not Yamaha’s greatest. The first pianos did not perform well in the U.S. because of tuning stability issues. Korean-based Samick pianos, introduced to the U.S. in the 1960s, also had similar problems with their pianos. The changes in Yamaha production which followed would have been done by the leaders of an democratic Japan in post-war recovery. When Yamaha of Japan improved their quality and embraced the euphemistic “Seasoned for Destination” campaign, those improvements might simply be interpreted as changes that were needed in order for Yamaha to start making pianos the right way. This explanation helps understand why other manufacturers do not employ similar manufacturing strategies. Japan had more reason to “save face” for the failure of their first post-war exported pianos.

We are left to guess as to which explanation is more plausible. Do small variations in drying time offset variances found in home heating preferences among the citizenry of different countries, or is it more plausible to suggest that the quality control of post-war Japan in the 1960s was not yet competitive?

Gray Market

The term Gray Market was popularized after U. S. consumers acted to purchase Mercedes automobiles in Germany and have them shipped back to the U. S. at a substantial savings over domestic retail prices. Those autos did not meet Federal requirements. They also did not qualify for warranty claims because they were not intended to be sold in the U.S. In this example, we are talking about a NEW car that was not intended for export into another country. Yamaha Corporation of America misused that term when they applied it to a USED product.

Yamaha Corporation of America however bears no obligation to provide parts for pianos they did not import. If anything, the importers of used pianos bear that obligation. Importers of course would not have access to parts from Yamaha since by nature of their business, they are not the U.S. distributor of new pianos. Since there is no official and authorized distributor of used Yamaha pianos (sanctioned by Yamaha), Yamaha of Japan would have no business interest in providing parts to any importers of used pianos. Parts are available through piano supply houses, so I have to favor the importer’s arguments on this point. It was correct for Yamaha Corporation of America to take the position that they would not supply parts for imported used pianos, but it was quite wrong to imply that no parts were available at all.

It is of course legal to import used pianos, but what happens to these pianos when they are brought here? I put that question to my source tonight. He explained that the variations in the “seasoning” process are small, but pianos that are placed in locales other than the intended destination do in fact go through changes. For instance, if someone owned a piano in Asia and relocated the instrument anywhere in the U.S., the piano would react to the change in humidity. (The same thing would occur for a piano in the U.S. located to an area that had an extreme difference in local humidity outside, which has an effect on the humidity inside the home!) There are many situations where that reaction to humidity, or the variance of the local humidity, may be greater or smaller. For instance, if an Asian family kept their home heated more along the lines of how they lived in Asia, then it seems reasonable to suggest that the reaction would be smaller.

The important point here is that once the change in the piano was realized, the piano would be quite fine in its new locale. Give two years for changes to be fully realized, and after that the cause for concern is greatly diminished. That raises the question: how severe might those changes be and what damage might be realized as a result of that change? On this, my source would only confirm that Yamaha Corporation of America receives many service inquiries from owners of imported Yamahas informing them of extreme changes in their pianos. Based on that information, it seems reasonable that Yamaha Corporation was factually correct to report the occurrence of extreme changes and damage. However, any damage that occurred may in fact not be related to humidity factors, and it seems likely that Yamaha would more likely field calls from piano owners that were desperate in their quest to find help. Conversely, piano owners who were satisfied with their used pianos would have no reason to contact Yamaha Corporation of America.

Even with this forgiving analysis, it still seems that reports of severe damage is alarmist. It seems far more likely that any severe damage that occurred to used Yamahas was caused by conditions of abuse, and not related to any differences in the manufacturing process.

The reconciliation here is a bit easier to visualize. Two self-interested parties are basing their opinions on two completely different sets of experiences. Yamaha Corporation of America is going to hear more horror stories about the used Yamahas that suffered damage since being imported, and importers are going to base their opinions on the success stories that they uncover. As one dealer reported, “I do not receive any complaints about used Yamahas.” Maybe they called Yamaha Corporation of America instead.

In the first blog, I said that some used Yamaha pianos are very good pianos, and others are terrible pianos. Importers assign grades of quality to each one, and those that are A grade will fare better than those of lesser grades. It should be obvious to everyone that each competing interest is going to put his best foot forward, and that his competitor is going to point to the failings of his adversary.

This suggests that each party to the dispute has a bit of truth to his argument. I suppose if I asked a Democrat to explain the political climate of the nation, it would not be in agreement with a Republican’s explanation. If perchance a Democrat intended to go to a Republican Convention, it would be wise to “season” one’s point of view based on the “destination”. It might also be argued that a Democrat was a “gray market” participant whose destination was never intended to be a Republican Convention.

Pardon the analogy, but I think it clarifies that people who have different experiences, values and attitudes, can in fact develop points of view that are so conflicted that each party would think the other is lying.

The lesson for consumers remains as it was. Consult a professional tuner/technician before you buy any used piano. The lesson for industry professionals will be left for them to discover. I am not in charge of teaching piano industry professionals, or creating marketing campaigns for Yamaha Corporation of America. My job is to serve my clients. Now that I have found a reconciliation between the several points of view, I feel better prepared to help my customers sort through the conflicting statements they might hear as they shop for a Yamaha piano.